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Lectures, Talks, Seminars and Trainings

Mag. Anna Binder-Kita is an experienced psychotherapist in private practice in Vienna. She practices Integrative Gestalt Therapy, offering comprehensive therapeutic support. Her areas of expertise include working with neurodiverse individuals, particularly those with ADHD and autism, as well as providing inclusive and adaptive therapy for people with disabilities. Additionally, she specializes in the treatment of eating disorders, personality disorders, and attachment disorders.


A particular focus of her work is incorporating the neurodivergent perspective in therapy, especially when working with clients on the autism spectrum. Over several years, she has created a sensory-sensitive and inclusive space in her practice to better meet the unique needs of neurodiverse clients. This carefully designed environment helps remove barriers and fosters a sense of safety and understanding for her clients.


In addition to her therapeutic work, Mag. Binder-Kita regularly delivers lectures and seminars on topics such as the diagnosis and treatment of neurodiversity, as well as working with personality and eating disorders. She presents her knowledge in both German and English, offering online and in-person talks at conferences, symposiums, and academic settings (including at VÖPP and extramural psychiatric institutions).


In her research, particularly within her current doctoral studies, she focuses on neurodiversity, autism spectrum disorders, and the “Double Empathy Problem.” Her scientific goal is to improve awareness and understanding of the specific needs neurotypical professionals must address when working with neurodivergent clients.


Mag. Anna Binder-Kita is a highly regarded speaker among professionals, contributing valuable insights to the field of psychotherapy, especially regarding neurodiversity and mental health. Through her practical and evidence-based presentations, she plays a significant role in promoting professionalism and sensitivity in therapeutic practice.

Seminars in Recent Past (german and english)

  • Autismus - Begegnung mit einem facettenreichen Spektrum (Wien, September 2023)
  • Neurodiversität in der klinischen Praxis (online, November 2023)
  • Autismus - Mythen, Irrtümer und Fakten (online, Jänner 2024)
  • Vertiefendes Seminar zu Neurodiversität im Erwachsenenalter (März 2024)
  • Impulse für die psychotherapeutische Praxis (Wien und online, Mai 2024)
  • Differentialdiagnostik bei Autismus im Erwachsenenalter (Wien und online, Juni 2024)
  • Landesfortbildung Steiermark extramurale Psychiatrie zum Thema Autismusspektrumsstörung im Erwachsenenalter (Graz, Juni 2024)
  • Aufsuchende Therapie in der Arbeit mit Menschen mit eingeschränkter Mobilität (Oktober 2024)

Podcast Episode “Couchgespräche” – Insights into Autism in Adults

At the end of 2023, I had the pleasure of being a guest on the podcast “Couchgespräche” by the Association of Austrian Psychotherapists (VÖPP), along with esteemed colleague Mag. Marion Leeb, child and adolescents therapist, specialised in Autism . In this engaging episode, I discussed a topic that is particularly close to my heart: Autism in Adults.

It was very important to me to highlight the specific challenges and needs of adults with autism. This topic is of great significance, as there are still many misconceptions and insufficient information about how autism manifests in adulthood and what kind of support individuals may need.

I warmly invite you to listen to the episode and learn more about this important subject. Here is the link to the episode: 

Podcast Couchgespräche

Episode about Autism Part 1 and Part 2

Unfortunaly it's only available in german. 

Many thanks to VÖPP for the opportunity to speak on this central topic.


  • PhD Programm of Psychotherapyscience at SFU Vienna  
  • Study of Psychotherapyscience at the Sigmund Freud Privateuniversity  
  • Multiple years of training and specialisation in Integrative Gestalt  therapy at the IG Wien  
  • Further education and specialisation in Geronto-Psychotherapy,  Psychosomatic, Trauma und Eating Disorders, as well as multi-thematic courses  
  • Member of the Austrian Psychotherapy Association (VÖPP)  
  • Multiple years of working at the Adult Outpatient Psychotherapy Clinic of  the Sigmund Freud Private University  
  • Clinical Internship at the Maimonides-Centre (Geronto-psychotherapeutic  field) 
    Specialized Internship as counsellor at Jung und Alt  (Geronto-psychotherapeutic field)  
  • Internship at the Adult Outpatient Psychotherapy Clinic of the Sigmund  Freud Private University  
  • Internship at the Children and Teenager Outpatient Psychotherapy Clinic of  the Sigmund Freud Private University  
  • Rorschach personality assessment interview training – Private  Specialisation taught by Univ. Prof. Dr. Sindelar  
  • Working as a Group-Counsellor in an integrative school with children as part of the “Class-Coaching” project lead by   Dr. Stephenson   
  • Study of Philosophy at the University of Vienna, Bachelor of Arts

 Working Fields

  • Psychotherapy in clinical Praxis in 1010  Vienna und 1130 Vienna  
  • District  Psychotherapy Representative of 1010 Vienna and 1130 Vienna, VÖPP  
  • Psychotherapeutic Outpatient Clinic, Salztorgasse 5, 1010 Vienna  
  • Counsellor at Jung und Alt  
  • Psychotherapy researcher at the Sigmund Freud Private University Wien  
  • Leading and hosting multi-thematical Group therapies
Anna M. Binder-Kita, Psychotherapist in Vienna